ePort is the on-line information link of SAGT to the subscribed users. Currently following parties are eligible for this facility.
- Subscribed Shipping lines
- Nominated consignees & shippers of subscribed shipping lines
- Sri Lanka Customs
- SAGT is very much concerned about the security of the information transmission over the internet.
- All your ePort information is transfered with 128 bit encryption under SSL (Secure Socket Layer) which is a proven, Industry standard secure protocol.
- You can obtain the details of the Digital Certificate by double clicking on the padlock at the bottom right side of your browser.
- Also you will see the site seal, which verifies the authenticity of the Digital Certificate, at the login page of the Private access.
It may be due to one of the following reasons.
- Your request for registration had not been received yet.
- Your account is still pending activation.
- You may be using an incorrect user id or Password. If you know the user Id and the answer to your security question, use the link "Forgotten Password?" in the login page to renew your password.
- Your account has been locked.
It may be due to one of the following reasons.
- Step 1: Click the "Forgotton password?" Link
- Step 2: Enter the User Id and press "send" button
- Step 3: You will be asked the security question. Type the answer and press "send" button
- Step 4: You will receive an email confirming your password reset
- Step 5: Login with the new password you received
- Step 6: Change the system delivered password to another.
This is a feature in the ePort facility. This will provide you a better security for Private area logins.
For General users, if the container is handled at the SAGT, you have the facility of obtaining basic information through the "PUBLIC ACCESS" link of the Home Page.
Subscribed users (Eg. Shipping lines) have given the previledge of accessing comprehensive and sensitive information of their containers and vessels through "PRIVATE ACCESS" of the Home Page where a user login/password is required.
If you are using any links previously created (e.g. favoutites, links from search engines, etc.), please try directly through web URL https://www.sagt.com.lk
If the Container is still in the yard, you could do this through the "Demmurage Due" feature in the Public Access of ePort facility.
Only you need to know is the Container number and the date you are planning to take the container out from SAGT.
This is under the Track & Trace of containers of the "PUBLIC ACCESS".
Location "COMMUNITY" shows, when
- The container is due arrival from outside.
- the container is delivered out of the terminal.